

财务报告司编制财务报表, 数据统计报告, and other accounting reports for the school district; completes financial 状态ment and legislative audits; works with the 状态 in their preparation of the annual financial report; prepares required federal, 状态, 还有其他报告, 包括 每个学生都成功法案 and cost per pupil reports; manages federal, 状态, and other grants; performs risk management duties by processing and investigating claims; provides for internal controls of all accounting activities; processes accounting transactions; supports procurement card activity; collects amounts owed to 威尼斯官网在线; makes all payments on behalf of 威尼斯官网在线; and coordinates system cash 包括 the 集中投资基金. 该部门为威尼斯官网在线教育基金会提供会计服务, 501(c)(3)公司. 该部门通过支持学校基金在线和学校在线支付系统,为学校提供中央服务资源. 这一集中努力减轻了学校的负担,使学校的员工能够专注于为所有学生提供教学的关键工作.