



威尼斯官网在线 and MC have partnered to provide Dual Enrollment opportunities to college ready students at all high schools as well as through Middle, 虚拟中间, 和早期大学选择. 有关这些计划的其他信息链接如下.

Dual Enrollment opportunities allow 威尼斯官网在线 college ready high school students to take limited college courses at no cost.

High school students are able to take select college courses offered on the high school campus (at select high schools), 在大学校园里, 或在线.  所有的大学课程上 批准的列表 that are successfully completed will receive dual credit by counting toward college and high school credit.  The courses will appear on the high school transcript unless requested that it not during the enrollment process.

点击查看所有MC/威尼斯官网在线大学选项的一页详细概述 在这里 和MC的双重注册网页 在这里.

有关双招生机会和项目的更多信息, 请浏览职业专上处资讯网页 在这里.

在查看了此页面上的信息后, please contact your high school’s Dual Enrollment Program Assistant (DEPA) who will be able to assist you through the dual enrollment process.  点击 在这里 查看depa和学校的截止日期.



早期的大学, 中央大学, PTECH, 和虚拟中学申请链接, 时间表, 最后期限, 还可以找到其他信息 在这里.  2024-2025学年的项目申请截止日期为2023年11月3日.


学生 who wish to take a college course should meet the minimum scores noted below on the 坐, 行为, 和ACCUPLACER, 除了未加权的平均绩点2分.老年人5人或2人.青少年75分.  If students do not meet the test requirements they may be eligible to take a college course if they have a B or higher in the final semester of the following approved courses to determine college readiness in English and mathematics:

English:  AP Language and Composition; Honors English 12; Modern World History; Honors Modern World History; AP World History 


        批判阅读/英语/语言艺术                                   数学   



行为 : 21或以上


下一代ACCUPLACER 阅读263或以上,写作263或以上


: 530或更高


行为 : 21或以上


下一代ACCUPLACER :定量推理,代数和统计263或以上



Dually enrolled students must follow the student academic and behavior policies of both 威尼斯官网在线 and MC:


在申请学院和大学时, dually enrolled students should submit the college transcript with all other required documents.



Beginning in the fall of the 2023-24 academic year all college courses approved at Montgomery 大学 will be available for 威尼斯官网在线 dually enrolled students at 没有成本. All required costs related to college tuition will be covered by 威尼斯官网在线 and MC during the 威尼斯官网在线 academic school year.  所有所需费用与费用有关, 教科书, instructional materials for each approved course at MC will be covered by 威尼斯官网在线 during the 威尼斯官网在线 academic school year; this includes the fall, 冬天, 大学春季学期

MC Financial Assistance (in the form of an MC High 学校 Grant) may also be available for summer session courses. 这种援助可能包括学费, 费用和所需的教科书取决于经济状况, 中学的地位和资金的可用性. 学生必须通过MC申请才能获得高中助学金.



威尼斯官网在线学生在秋季报名参加蒙哥马利学院(MC)的课程, 冬天, spring semesters will be provided with instructional materials and 教科书 required for the course. 威尼斯官网在线 will only provide the digital option of the textbook or other materials unless one is not available, 然后将提供教科书的实体版本. 喜欢使用替代教材或材料的学生(例如.e. hardcopy versions) not provided by 威尼斯官网在线 must purchase on their own and will not be reimbursed. 注意,硬拷贝材料用于在线, 虚拟, 混合课程可能只在MC三个校区中的一个提供.

MC课程注册后, students will receive an email to their MC email account from the bookstore with access codes for digital materials, 如果有实物材料,请通知. Please note which campus bookstore sent the email notification as hard-copy materials are only available at that particular bookstore on one of three MC campuses. 学生 are responsible for picking up any physical 教科书 or instructional materials assigned. Note that some 教科书 may not immediately be available or assigned by the professor. 当材料可用时,学生可能会收到不止一个通知. 如果你选择自己购买材料,你将不会得到报销.

的问题, please contact the MC bookstore sending the notification or the bookstore on the campus in which the course is taught.

学生 (or others) can use the instructions to check the materials listed for the course.   

  1. 参观 MC书店
  2. 在紫色标题下,单击教科书
  3. 输入学生的m#. 单击Enter
  4. 选择校园位置,点击“查找课程”

你也可以按课程购物. 按照上面的说明操作, but in Step 3: choose “Enter 课程” and follow the prompts to search by class and CRN. 


Montgomery 大学 enrollment and registration procedures are followed by all school DEPAs.  点击 在这里 查看depa和学校的截止日期. To initiate the process, students applying for this opportunity at MC should begin by visiting the 蒙哥马利学院学术活动办公室DE网页 for more specific information, procedures, forms to begin the process prior to seeing their DEPA.  在完成蒙哥马利学院申请时, 学生应确保核实自己的姓名, address, 和毕业日期与威尼斯官网在线的记录相符,以确保课程成绩, 批准, 其他数据也被适当地共享.

DEPAs请参阅说明 在这里.

辅导员请参阅批准和安排学生的说明 在这里.

辅导员和注册主任请参阅有关年级更改和增加的说明 在这里.


DE项目的学生可以参加任何经过批准的大学水平课程 从列表 他们符合要求.

The courses offered through the DE program are typical courses of first year college students. 它们包括专业系列课程中的第一个, 通识教育课程, 基础课程.  在预批准名单上的课程可以获得高中学分, courses not listed will need to be reviewed for consideration and approval if needed or requested for high school credit. 

To review the transferability of college courses between Maryland colleges and universities, 参观 马里兰学院和大学发音系统网站.

有关当地高中大学课程选择的具体信息, 联系高中辅导员或点击 在这里 查看depa和学校的截止日期.



截至2013年秋季, all college courses taken by 威尼斯官网在线 students will count toward graduation credit and appear on the high school transcript unless requested at the time of enrollment in the college course that it does not by completing the 双重信贷拒绝表格 (威尼斯官网在线表格280-93),并交回学校辅导员.

Beginning in the fall of the 2023-24 academic year 威尼斯官网在线 will provide transportation from each 威尼斯官网在线 high school to the nearest MC campus at specific times during the day. 秋季期间将提供交通服务, 冬天, spring Montgomery 大学 semesters at specific times and on weekdays NOT designated as holidays by 威尼斯官网在线.

Only current dually enrolled 威尼斯官网在线 students may take advantage of this transportation option and must provide a valid and current 威尼斯官网在线 student ID to the driver.

你可以找到按高中划分的交通时间列表 在这里.



  •  早大学2022年9月会议录音,可以找到 在这里 密码为:Zt=j9S*P



  •  虚拟中学讲座- 2022年10月(演讲 只有.  没有记录)

有关蒙哥马利学院双招生的更多信息,请访问 http://www.montgomerycollege.edu/high-school-students/dual-enrollment/.

欲了解更多职业和高等教育合作办公室的信息,请访问 在这里.